To keep our community safe while delivering the Australian National Field Days, we are working closely with NSW Health to ensure we are compliant with all COVIDSafe requirements as directed by the NSW Government. To make sure we can come together safely, we will be introducing the below measures at the 2021 Field Days.

Increased hand washing and hand sanitisation stations. QR code sign in registration at entrances. Updated layout to enable increased physical distancing and ‘air flow’. Physically distanced queuing systems. Set ‘entry’…

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Orange App Partnership

This year we’ve made the decision to partner with the Orange App who will be providing a Mini App for the Field Days replacing the traditional printed program.It’s a fantastic…

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Chairman’s 2021 Message

After a challenging 12 months, we are excited to be able to bring you the 2021 Australian National Field Days. On behalf of the Australian National Field Days Committee I…

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