The Australian National Field Days is scheduled to be held on the 22nd, 23rd and 24th October 2020. click to read statement
Australian National Field Days: Coronavirus (COVID-19)
The Australian National Field Days is scheduled to be held on the 22nd, 23rd and 24th October 2020. At this stage we are planning to run the Australian National Field Days event. The Australian National Field Days Committee are constantly monitoring the advice of Health and Government departments in relation to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak. As the situation is changing rapidly, we are carefully monitoring the impact on our event and will keep you up to date. This decision is under constant review and any change will be heavily promoted. In the event the Australian National Field Days Committee decide not to hold the Australian National Field Days event, and/or government regulations require the Australian National Field Days event to be cancelled a full refund to exhibitors will be provided or money and site transferred to the 2021 event.